Exhibit News
Particles on the Wall is excited to announce upcoming exhibits!
The REACH Museum
June 29 - October 21, 2016.
The REACH Museum
1943 Columbia Park Trail
Richland, WA 99352
Sun & Mon: Closed
Tue - Sat: 10:00AM-4:30PM
Get your copy - FREE

In keeping with our desire to share our efforts to foster a more peaceful, healthy, and sustainable world, we offer POTW for free as an e-book or PDF file.
Particles on the Wall 2nd edition from Healthy World Press
Rebecca Bauen
Jean Behnke
Judith Bushnell
Seth Friedman
Doug Gast
Julia Heineccius
Erika Holmes
- Hanford's Underground Tanks: A Dramatization of the Effects of High Heat, Water and Time
Tina Murphy
Margo Proksa
Lynda K. Rockwood
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